Library and Media library 

The Library provides access to the documentation it contains as well as advice on methods of research and retrieval of data and information.


Other resources:

From 16 August 2023, the Library began transferring its catalogue data to the new Swisscovery / SLSP platform (SUPSI network).
In order to use SLSP, you must register: swisscovery - Registration (


From Monday to Friday
09:30-13:00 / 13:30-17:30

Saturday and Sunday closed

Access to the Library and its services is open to all persons resident in Switzerland.

Management may also extend access to people living abroad on presentation of a substantiated request. Borrowing requests can only be made on site.

Accessible documentary material consists mainly of:   

  • printed music: printed music publications (compositions, parts, scores, etc.) of the main instrumental repertoire of the Western musical tradition
  • historical musicological literature
  • analytical-interpretative musicological literature
  • sound recordings (CD) and video recordings (DVD)

The Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana also has a media library, the use of which is reserved for students and teachers.

Students and teachers can work on the computers provided using a login, issued during registration week in September, for which a password must be set.


Via the website, it is possible to access a series of electronic resources comprising around 70 databases and over 21,000 journals that can be consulted in full. Access is through the SUPSI library page, after NetID authentication (the same used, for example, for the school's wireless networks and for the i-Corsi platform).




Carlo Quirici
Tel. +41 (0)91 960 30 51