The Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana Foundation is a private foundation with a public benefit scope, and it runs the University of Music with a public mandate. The Foundation manages three interconnected departments, which distinctively operate in different fields of music education and objectives:
Music School (SMUS): an introductory school for children who want to learn how to play an instrument, and a training centre for young people and adults who want to deepen or broaden their musical skills. The Music School enrols more than 1’200 students, mainly between 5 and 20, coming from 60 different municipalities all over the region.
Pre-College (PRE): a pre-professional department that enrols a limited number of 55 students who are attending high school and intend to prepare for a future musical career.
University of Music (SUM): founded in 1985 and recognised by the authorities in 1988, the original professional department transformed into the University of Music in 1999. According to a new legislative framework and explicit mandate from the State Council of the Cantone Ticino, it obtained recognition and accreditation from the Canton and the Swiss Confederation. Since 2006, it is affiliated with the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI).
The Foundation offers additional services, such as support in selecting musicians for public or private events, and location management: its Aula Magna, for instance, can accommodate up to 220 people for private functions, meetings, and conferences.
The Media-Library lends different media, such as books, magazines, sheet music, CDs, and DVDs, and supports researches.
The Pre-College course of the Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana is awarded with the 'Label Pre-College Music CH' label
In a year dominated by the Pandemic, closures and uncertainty, on 24 September 2020, the Conservatorio managed to celebrate its 35 years of activity, in the beautiful setting of the LAC, with two concerts in presence of the Orchestra giovanile della Svizzera italiana, the Coro Clairière and the Orchestra sinfonica del Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana.
In December, the Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana Foundation submits the request to the Swiss Association of Schools of Music (ASSM) and the Conference of Swiss Universities of Music (CSUMS) to use the trademark Pre-College Music CH.
The Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana Foundation voluntarily undergoes a peer-review by the international accreditation agency MusiQuE, for its Undergraduate Degree and the Pre-College Department. It is the first case in Switzerland.
The SUPSI Master of Arts (double degree) in Music Pedagogy with specialization in Elementary Music Education, and in Music Education Teaching for Secondary I level is now open. It is a collaboration between the Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana and the Dipartimento Formazione e Apprendimento (DFA) SUPSI.
The Master's degree is recognised by CDPE, so it qualifies students to teach in the secondary I sector throughout Switzerland. In addition, following a resolution by the Council of State in 2007, it also qualifies to teach music education in primary schools in the Canton Ticino.
The new cultural centre "LAC - Lugano Arte e Cultura" is inaugurated. The Conservatory celebrates its 30th anniversary there, shortly before the opening, amidst concerts and sold-out crowds.
The first editions of the Master's courses are completed. The School strengthens its relationships with the rest of the Country gaining the Presidency – run by the director of the CSI – of the Conference of Directors of Swiss Universities of Music (Konferenz Musikhochschulen Schweiz / KMHS), which aims to represent the interests of Swiss professional music education at both, the national and international level. On 20 December, the 4 Master's courses are accredited.
The first editions of the Bachelor's degrees are completed. The first Bologna Masters courses begin. The Conservatory gives itself a new internal structure, making the three departments (University, Pre-professional, Music School) more autonomous.
The Conservatory's University of Music is affiliated with SUPSI.
The Conference of Directors of Public Education (CDPE) grants the Conservatory definitive recognition as a University of Music, and the Grand Council of Canton Ticino sanctions its affiliation to SUPSI. The Conservatory starts with the new "Bologna" Bachelors.
The Conservatory wins the prestigious Lily Wäckerlin Jugend und Musik award from the ACCENTUS Foundation in Zurich, for a project in Elementary Music Education (EME).
Introduction of the Diploma in Conducting for the contemporary repertoire.
First exchanges of students and teachers in the framework of the European project "ERASMUS".
First joint collaboration between the Conservatory, the Scuola Teatro Dimitri and the Department of Environment, Construction and Design of SUPSI for the production of "Les Mariés de la Tour Eiffel" by Jean Cocteau.
Mastery Through Imitation, in collaboration with the Royal College of Music, London: the first research project at the Conservatory supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation and the Federal Office for Professional Education and Technology (OPET).
The Services and Post-education department is established.
The school is a founding member and committee member of the Conference of Swiss Universities of Music (KMHS).
The Conservatoire obtains provisional recognition as a University of Music.
The Research and Development Department (DRS) is established.
The Fondazione Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana (CSI) replaces the former Conservatory Association. On the basis of the recently voted Law on Universities of Applied Sciences and the respective Profile of Universities of Music, the transformation into a University of Music begins, on a cantonal mandate. The Pre-professional section is created.
The first season of "Novecento e Presente", conceived by Giorgio Bernasconi in collaboration with Rete Due, is launched, arousing enormous interest in the music of the last century.
The Conservatory moves to the Centro San Carlo.
The first youth orchestra of the Music School is founded.
On 6 December 1994, the first convention is signed between the Canton and the Conservatorio for its professional section
The Conservatory collaborates for the first time with the Orchestra della Svizzera italiana.
Diplomas are recognised at cantonal and intercantonal level.
The Conservatory becomes a member of the Conference of Directors of Swiss Conservatories.
Armin Brenner founds the Accademia di Musica della Svizzera italiana.
The Board of Trustees is the highest body of the Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana Foundation and includes between seven and eleven members.
The Board of Trustees manages the assets of the Foundation, supervises its activities, and approves the annual financial statements, the annual report, and the budget. The Board of Trustees appoints the Auditing Body, the President of the Executive Board, the other members of the Executive Board, and the Department Managers. It establishes their terms of employment; it also appoints, on the proposal of the Executive Board, one of its members as a delegate to the Board of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI). On the proposal of the Executive Board, the Board of Trustees adopts a Regulation that governs the organisation, the strategic and operational instruments, the tasks, and the competencies of the Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana. Finally, it ratifies the organisation chart, and the assignment of specific functions to the persons responsible for education and the main services for the activities of the Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana, such as department heads and area managers.
(extract from the Statutes of the Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana Foundation)
Board of Trustees – Members
Ina Piattini Pelloni, presidente
Giancarlo Dillena, vice presidente
Annamaria Albek
Carlo Donadini
Franco Mornata
Elena Maria Pandolfi, delegata della Repubblica e Cantone Ticino
Luca Soncini
Guido Turati
The Board of Trustees appoints the Executive Board and its President. The President of the Executive Board assumes the position of General Director of the Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana. In principle, the Executive Board must represent the three departments. Its members participate in the meetings of the Board of Trustees, with no voting rights.
The Executive Board is responsible for the management and administration of the Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana, and for representing its various bodies vis-à-vis third parties. The Executive Board deliberates and decides on all matters, except those assigned to the Board of Trustees by law or by the Statutes.
The Executive Board collaborates with the Board of Trustees in formulating the strategic objectives in those areas where the interests of the Board of Trustees and those of the Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana are closely connected.
The President of the Executive Board convenes the meetings. The Executive Board decides by a simple majority of votes. In the event of a tie, the decision is submitted to the Board of Trustees, or to a delegation of the Board of Trustees that is competent in the subject matter of the contested decision.
(extract from the Statutes of the Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana Foundation)
Christoph Brenner, General Director
Luca Medici, Member of the Executive Board
Fabio Favoroso, Member of the Executive Board
The Code of Conduct of the Fondazione Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana, adopted by the Foundation Board in September 2022, sets out the rules to ensure respectful behaviour in the daily life of the School in order to support and promote calm, constructive and respectful cooperation.
This document reaffirms that our School aims to be open and diverse. It constitutes the point of reference for the evaluation of behaviour deemed inappropriate. It applies to all persons working or studying in our Institute.
The aim of the Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana Foundation is to promote the dissemination of musical culture in Southern Switzerland offering basic and professional education and supporting artistic projects.
The professional education is internationally renowned and conducted under the Law of the Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI), and research Institutes, of the 1995, October 3rd.
The Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana Foundation also promotes:
The Foundation exclusively pursues public benefit purposes and refrains from any profit or private interest.
(Foundation’ Statute, art. 3)
Music embeds our culture, our everyday life.
It enriches our quality of life and contributes to the development of society. The Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana Foundation considers musical education (as a public school and Music School) and musical training and continuing education (as a University of Music) as something necessary: they both represent its raison d’être.
The Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana intends to be an institute for education, training, and research, but at the same time a cultural engine for the region and abroad. It aims to be rooted in its community and universally renowned as a centre of reference for all different aspects of music.
The Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana Foundation most important values are:
In the short-mid term, the Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana Foundation undertakes five major strategic projects:
The Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana Foundation adopts high-quality standards and frequently submits to successful external peer-reviews on a volunteer basis. The three departments work with a limited or planned number of students, but usually collect a greater number of qualified applications.
The Music School (SMUS) is the biggest and the most pervasive music school in the region. Its 85 teachers possess an acknowledged artistic and pedagogic diplomas, and it enrols 1’200 students in 4 locations, and 500 students in summer camps. The Music School offers a complete education programme with a total of 2’000 musical classes, 700 hours of individual, collective, ensemble, and orchestras classes. The Music School is a significant nurturing place for local young talents.
The Pre-College (PRE) is the only department of classical music that offers students from high schools the opportunity to prepare for a University of music in the region. Students who brilliantly graduate at the Pre-College are almost 100% successful at the entry tests of the University of Music, both in Switzerland and abroad.
The University of Music (SUM) is a small and richly dynamic department immersed in a familiar but international environment, that attracts high-quality professors and students from over 40 Countries in the world. Quality and excellence-oriented, it boasts an excellent and internationally renowned faculty. Qualified applications are numerous and constantly increasing.
This Action Plan of the Fondazione Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana (FCSI) for the years 2021-2024, edited by the Foundation Management, covers both the areas of responsibility of the Foundation (namely logistics, finance and CI) and those assigned to the Departments, within the scope of their operational autonomy.
ACTION PLAN 2021-24 (in Italian)
The Gender & Diversity service covers the whole Foundation and aims to integrate gender mainstreaming and attention to diversity and inclusion at all levels of the School.
Information technology and IT services Manager
Tel. +41 (0)91 960 30 53
Music School Mendrisio Manager
Tel. +41 (0)91 960 30 48
Communication Office operational Manager
Tel. +41 (0)91 960 23 61
Delegate for ensemble and orchestral activities
University of Music
T +41 (0)91 251 00 91
Head of pedagogy
University of Music
Music School Locarno Manager
Tel. +41 (0)91 960 30 40
Tel. +41 (0)91 960 30 48
General Director of the Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana
University of Music Director
Head of Pre-College
Tel. +41 (0)91 960 30 55
Tel. +41 (0)91 960 30 40
Head of Administration
tel. +41 (0)91 960 30 42
Collaborator Secretariat
Music School
Tel. +41 (0)91 960 30 48
Member of the Executive Board
Vice Director, Board Member
Head of Academic Services
University of Music
Tel. +41 (0)91 960 30 58
Logistical Services operational Manager
Tel. +41 (0)91 960 23 62
Secretariat Manager
Music School
Tel. +41 (0)91 960 30 50
Scientific Collaborator for Academic Services,
Quality Management Delegate
University of Music
Tel. +41 (0)91 960 30 47
Head of events and services
University of Music
Tel. +41 (0)91 960 23 69
Co-Head Performance Area
University of Music
Tel. +41 (0)91 960 30 40
900presente Season producer
University of Music
T +41 (0)91 960 30 40
Executive Board Member
Music School Director
Delegate Head of Pre-College
Tel. +41 (0)91 960 30 50
Vice Director, Board Member,
Co-Head Performance Area
University of Music
Tel. +41 (0)91 960 30 40
Head for Continuing Education
University of Music
T +41 (0)91 960 23 67
Collaborator Logistical Services
University of Music
Tel. +41 (0)91 960 23 62
High School graduation Manager
Tel. +41 (0)91 960 23 63
Deputy Head of Didactic Secretariat
Gender & Diversity Delegate
University School of Music
Tel. +41 (0)91 960 30 40
Press Officer and External Relations
Tel. +41 (0)91 251 00 93
Head of Communication
Gender & Diversity Delegate
University of Music
Tel. +41 (0)91 960 30 55
Tel. +41 (0)91 960 30 44
Collaborator Accounting Office
Tel. +41 (0)91 960 30 54
Vice Director, Board Member,
Head of Training
University of Music
Tel. +41 (0)91 960 23 68
Collaborator Logistical Services
Tel. +41 (0)91 960 23 62
Assistant Director
Tel. +41 (0)91 960 30 55
Head of Composition & Theory area
Tel +41 (0)91 960 30 45
Collaborator Didactic Secretariat
University of Music
Collaborator Secretariat
Tel. +41 (0)91 960 30 59
Delegate of Asia Affairs
University of Music
Tel. +41 (0)77 910 02 49